National Museum (Naypyitaw)

The National Museum (Nay Pyi Taw) is situated on 34.49 acre plot on Yazathingaha Road near Lotus Kumudra roundabout in Oktara Thiri township, Nay Pyi Taw. Ground breaking for construction of the museum was started on 3rd June 2010.

The National Museum (Nay Pyi Taw) was constructed with aims to elucidate rich and advanced cultural heritage, to showcase high standing of national honour, to elaborate national soft power achievements, to show systematic and competent management with spectacular modern touch, reflecting national pride and prestige of the country. The museum is intended to capture public interest. 

The museum has five wings: A,B, C,D and E. Wing A has mini-theatre, VIP lounge, showroom displaying gifts received by the President, and resting room for the general public. Wings other than A are earmarked to be showrooms.

In the present phase opening, Wing A will display gifts to the President from ASEAN member countries, European countries and the United States of America during his friendly visits. Gifts of visiting foreign dignitaries during their friendly visit to Myanmar are also included.

Wing B has six showrooms to display artifacts on primate order and fossils, prehistoric age, Myanmar painting, Myanmar dramatic art, Myanmar ancient times and latter day of historic time.

At Wing B, artifacts on primate order and fossils are shown immediately at the entrance. The display highlights the fact that Myanmar civilization developed uninterruptedly, and Myanmar is one of the original places of homo sapiens. The show room also displays fossils and petrified plants found in Pondaung region and Ayeyawady sedimentary formations.
With the help of photographs and maps, fossils and petrified Ingyin rock from Pondaung, stages of Ayeyawady river beds and caves in the Shan State are displayed.

The center-piece of the display is 40 million-year old fossil of primates, indicating Myanmar as one of the places where homo sapiens originated.

Primates existed 40 million years ago in the Pondaung region. The primate order includes superior ones and inferior ones. Pondaungia primate belonged to the superior order. Pondaungia primate is categorized in six groups: pondaungia, amphipithecus, Bahinia, Myanmar pithecus, Kanteya and Afracia. Anthropologists the world over agreed that Myanmar’s humanoid primate displayed at the showroom, is the most pre-eminent anthropoid primate. The ongoing research on primate and Myanmar culture is carried on in cooperation with related ministries.

The next showroom displays pre-historic age. Here are the tools, weapons and utensils from Myanmar Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Miniature replicas of Pyadalin Cave and Bronze Age sites are displayed with the supporting photographic records. Centre-piece of the display is miniature replica of the excavation site of Bronze Age with the supporting objects such as pots, urns, beads and bronze weapons.

The next display is about early historic time. Recognized world cultural heritage Halin, Beikthano and SriKsestra Pyu cities and other early Myanmar cities from all over the country are shown. People’s religious faith, social custom, literature and dress code are depicted as found in excavation of the past. The main display of KhinBa Gold Leaves is the earliest Buddhist scriptures in South East Asia and it also proves that all early city states followed the Buddhist faith.

Moreover, the excavation at 8th Mound of PhayaMah Pagoda in 1967, found five Pyu figurines, gold, silver, bronze, marble and earthen artifacts. Now, these excavated objects are shown as they were at the national Museum.

The next showroom presents Myamar’s latter-day historic period. Bagan Period is prominently displayed. Miniature replicas of religious structures showcase literature, architecture, cultural artifacts and religious objects. Centre-piece of the display is Bagan architecture showing religious structure, wall painting, frescos, masonry and ceramic works. Genuine architectural designs, mortar and ceramic works are exhibited.

The next showroom displays Myanmar dramatic art,Myanmar traditional orchestra and miniature theatre stage made in accord with tradition. Myanmar traditional musical instruments are rather spectacular with the accompaniment of sound system. Myanmar marionette and various musical instruments of Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bama, Mon, Rakhine and Shan national races are also displayed with the accompanying sound systems.

The display of Myanmar paintings includes old traditional paintings, wall paintings of successive eras, Jataka epic paintings and masterpiece of doyen artists. It is divided into old genre paintings, contemporary paintings, modern paintings and classic painting genre. Paintings of famous artists like U Saw Maung, U Ba Kyi, U Lun Kywe and Paw Oo Thet are also displayed there.

At present Wings C, D and E are still under construction. When they are completed, more about history and cultural heritage will be displayed. The National Museum (Nay Pyi Taw) will carry on more vindicating the mission to show the world Myanmar’s accomplishments. Thank you.

Translation & Narration by Ling Maung Pan (MITV)