Theatre Setting
The evidence of the theatrical art of
Myanmar can be obviously seen on murals of Bagan and records through
ages. Mye- waing zat (dance and drama performed on the ground with
audience around it) in yatanabon period was decorated with an array of
masks for dramatic performance and dramatics props, beautifully hang on a
rial. The marionette stage ( known as Amyint Thabin- High Theatre ) is
decorated with Taing -phone (tormentor) , Nahpusi (teaser), yoke- thay
yoke (puppets) ,and the backdrops ( shutters with paintings on them to
suit the scenes ) beautifully hung from the rails above . Those
mentioned above are theatrical settings.
In later colonial period, Mye -waing zat was raised on to the stage. Great U Po Sein was, by then, the theatrical artiste who elaborately decorated the stage by innovating tormentor, teaser, (garuda) wings on both sides of the stage and using storm lantern for lighting. As he was the U-shaung (Supreme Head or forerunner) of the theatrical artistes, he innovatedthe theatrical stage.
Dramatic art and stage setting are always inseparable. Stage setting embellishes the aesthetic flavors’ of the characters in drama, their songs, melancholy verses, verse recitations, pining away, moping and background music through the backdrops with paintings that support the idea of the drama, stage lighting effects such as dark and bright, cold, warm tones of colours that naturally reflects dance and acting .The ones with the perfect knowledge of painting maybe a leading art and setting director. Among many genres of art, the stage art is rather difficult, complicated and interesting.Stage setting is the hybrid work of musical director, choreographic director, make-up and costume director and setting and lighting director.
In later colonial period, Mye -waing zat was raised on to the stage. Great U Po Sein was, by then, the theatrical artiste who elaborately decorated the stage by innovating tormentor, teaser, (garuda) wings on both sides of the stage and using storm lantern for lighting. As he was the U-shaung (Supreme Head or forerunner) of the theatrical artistes, he innovatedthe theatrical stage.
Dramatic art and stage setting are always inseparable. Stage setting embellishes the aesthetic flavors’ of the characters in drama, their songs, melancholy verses, verse recitations, pining away, moping and background music through the backdrops with paintings that support the idea of the drama, stage lighting effects such as dark and bright, cold, warm tones of colours that naturally reflects dance and acting .The ones with the perfect knowledge of painting maybe a leading art and setting director. Among many genres of art, the stage art is rather difficult, complicated and interesting.Stage setting is the hybrid work of musical director, choreographic director, make-up and costume director and setting and lighting director.